Testing » 2018 - 2019 CAASPP Results

2018 - 2019 CAASPP Results

The 2018-19 CAASPP (California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress) results are now visible for all schools in the state of California. The SBAC assessments are an online, computer adaptive, state assessment using the new common core state standards. Only students in grades 3rd through 8th and 11th grade took the assessment.

Beethoven's overall scores can be viewed here.

54% of our students met and exceeded standards in English Language Arts (ELA) and 58% met and exceeded standards in Math. We made 7-16% increases in our scores based on last year's 2017-18 SBA scores.

As a school, we will be analyzing our data and collaborating on ways to ensure our students needs are met based on the data. Parents will no longer receive scores in the mail but through the LAUSD Parent Portal.

Here are few common questions you may have.

What are the levels students can achieve on the tests?

There are four levels: standard exceeded, standard met, standard nearly met and standard not met.

What are the areas tested in ELA?

The areas tested in ELA are: reading, writing, listening and research.

What are the areas tested in Math?

The areas tested in math are: problem solving, using concepts and procedures, and communicating mathematical reasoning.

What about the API scores?

The state has suspended the API for 2014-15 so last year's scores will not be used for state accountability. 

What do you mean by an online computer adaptive test?

The test is computer adaptive, meaning that students are given different questions based upon how they perform on earlier items. As a result two students will have very different exams that test the same grade level standards.

What might a sample student score report look like?

To view a sample student score report, click here.