Core Instructional Program » Science


Beethoven's Science Program

Beethoven's commitment to science instruction includes the use of core materials, science lab, our learning garden, a new engineering cart called Trash 4 Teachers (T4T) and a science specialist that bring real world experiences to our students.

Core Curriculum

Harcourt Science and Foss are implemented to provide our students with experimental learning activities. 


The new Next Generation Science Standards are a new set of K-12 science standards that were developed by states, for states. The NGSS identify scientific and engineering practice, crosscutting concepts and core ideas in science that all K-12 students should master in order to prepare for success in college and 21st century careers. Teachers at Beethoven implement these new science standards. To find out more about NGSS go to our website here​​​​​​​.

Science Lab

Our science lab ensures that our students learn with a hands-on approach to science. Classes are brought to the lab to use the FOSS kits to reinforce science standards, to work on projects and to receive science instruction from our science specialist.

Gardening & Growing Great

Every classroom has a raised Garden Box and in coordination with Growing Great, our students plant, grow, cultivate and eat some of their own vegetables. Furthermore the use of our extensive learning garden allows classes to explore composting, planting and life cycles.

Trash-4-Teachers & Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

Through a grant we purchased a brand new Trash-4-Teacher engineering cart that can be used in classrooms to reinforce the new science standard, engineering. Teachers were also provided professional development on how to implement engineering lessons and use the new cart in their classrooms.

Science Specialist - Ms. M&M

Beethoven is very fortunate to have a former Beethoven teacher, Ms. M&M, who volunteers her time by exposing students to hands on experiences with various animals, insects, amphibians and more. Ms. M&M collaborates with teachers and connects her lessons to the science standards being addressed at that grade level.
Our focus on hands-on science has been a success as 90% of our 5th graders scored proficient and advanced on the state science assessment in 2015-16!