Computer Science Education Week & Hour of Code : Dec 7-13

At Beethoven we are a leader in computer science education for elementary students.

Our students take part in coding on a daily basis as well as learn basic computer skills. At Beethoven we go above and beyond an hour of code and code on a daily basis. We are one of the few elementary schools in LAUSD offering a coding program through our partner, 9 Dots.

Here are some helpful facts about coding:
  • Computer science is the top paying college degree.
  • All jobs require understanding how technology works.
  • Coding taps into higher level thinking skills.
  • By 2020, there will be 1.4 million computing jobs.
  • Computing jobs are growing 2x faster than other jobs.
Got Code? At Beethoven we do!

Thanks to our partner 9 Dots for supporting our coding efforts.