Bell Schedules

Bells and Daily Schedule Mondays parents/families welcome for morning assembly. Tuesday through Friday campus is open to students only.
After school dismissal: UTK/K is Kindergarten gate, 1st-3rd is classrooms that face Beethoven, 4th-5th is the green security gate near flag pole.
After school the campus is closed and parents do not need to enter to pick up their child. This includes the after school program (STAR).
Description / Period Start Time End Time Length
UTK/K Supervision Starts (Kindergarten Yard) 7:50 AM
1st - 5th Big Yard Supervision Starts (Enter at Lucille Gate) 7:30 AM
Warning Bell (UTK - 5th) 8:05 AM
Instructional Hours (UTK - 5th) - Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri 8:10 AM 2:35 PM 385 min
Instructional Hours (UTK - 5th) - Tuesday Early Dismissal 8:10 AM 1:35 PM 325 min
Instructional Hours (PALS-PK) - Mon - Fri 9:00 AM 1:30 PM 270 min
Recess (UTK - 5th) 10:10 AM 10:30 AM 20 min
Lunch (UTK, Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd) 11:50 AM 12:30 PM 40 min
Lunch (3rd, 4th & 5th) 12:20 PM 1:00 PM 40 min
Shortened Day Dismissal (UTK-5th) *Days vary, see calendar* 8:10 AM 1:54 PM 344 min
Shortened Day Dismissal (UTK-5th) *Days vary, see calendar* 8:10 AM 12:43 PM 273 min
After School Program Daily Schedule
Description / Period Start Time End Time Length
STAR 2:35 PM 6:00 PM 205 min
STAR (12:40 pm Early Dismissal Days) 12:43 PM 6:00 PM 317 min
STAR (1:30 pm Early Dismissal Days) 1:35 PM 6:00 PM 265 min
STAR (1:54 pm Early Dismissal Days) 1:54 PM 6:00 PM 246 min